
Norfolk-Lore is an illustrated series that brings to life weird and wonderful world of Norfolk folklore.



Growing up in the Norfolk countryside, I would occasionally hear whispered tales of the mysterious: shadowy woods that hold a dark story of betrayal, an abandoned windmill said to bear the Devil’s mark, or the echoes of ghostly screams lingering at the stroke of midnight. Spooky tales like these, whether we believe them or not, have a way of captivating us, sparking our imaginations, and compelling us to pass them down through generations.

It wasn’t until later that I discovered just how rich and strange Norfolk’s folklore truly is—a trove of peculiar and fascinating tales woven into the fabric of the region’s history. Norfolk-Lore is my creative exploration of these legends, brought to life through a series of illustrations that delve into these eerie and enigmatic corners of Norfolk’s past.

[Click the images below to reveal the story]